Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The King's Speech

For my film class today, we went to see "The King's Speech". Usually, after a movie, I skip right out after the credits start rolling but this film was different. I was sitting there in complete awe and could not believe the breathtaking cinematography that had taken place in front of my eyes. It was one of the the most impeccable films I have ever seen; incredibly crafted and  absolutely marvelous!

For those of you who haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It's about Albert, who later changed his monarchical name to King George VI (Queen Elizabeth II's father). His brother Edward abdicates the throne to marry American socialite Wallis Simpson. George VI is forced to take the throne despite his lifelong speech stammer. With the help of Lionel Logue, his Australian speech therapist, he is able to fully embody the roll of king and become the leader of the great English Commonwealth. He was the last Emperor of India and the last King of Ireland. It's really a remarkable story!

Tonight, we went out to Drayton Arms for Karla's 21st birthday. They have a special on brownies and ice cream, so that's what we devoured :)

On the way home, we passed a Ferrari dealership so consider this part II of the car blog :) Personally, this one was my favorite; classic red Ferrari :)

It was kind of rainy today, but overall it was great. Love you all, have a great night...and GO SEE "THE KING'S SPEECH"!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I've heard some from good things about King's Speech now from a couple people. Ferraris? BORING!
